Monthly recap for February

Arena of Glory
4 min readMar 1, 2022


Dear Romans,

yet another month has passed and many updates and events have happened during this time. We are here to summarize what we have achieved during the month and what we are planning in the near future.

Summary of the month February

  • Invite Contest
    We have held a second invite contest with increased rewards.
  • Limiting the maximum amount of Adventure slots
    We have had suggestions and feedback to limit the Adventure slot capacity to a maximum of a hundred slots and so we did. Players are now able to add their slots in the Adventure tab, but the maximum amount of slots is set to 100/100.
  • Purchasable Adventure slots in-game
    We have added an option to purchase Adventure slots in-game for GOLD. This can be done via the Adventure tab by clicking on the Add slot button.
  • Changes to Adventure requirements
    We have implemented a change that allows players to send a gladiator of a higher rarity on lower rarity Adventures all by himself. This rule applies only when the gladiator is the same rarity as the Adventure or higher.
    ex. A rare gladiator will be able to go on long rare missions by himself.
  • Adventure lengths update
    We have been analyzing the rewards from Adventures and we shortened and updated Adventure lenghts in a way so longer Adventures were more worthwhile. Some Adventures had a lenght that was too long and we just decided it was right to shorten those.
  • Adventure rewards update
    We have changed the reward factor for longer adventures from 1.2 to 1.5 for medium length Adventures and for longer Adventures we have changed it from 1.5 to 2.
  • Arena’s Leaderboard system
    We have implemented a Leaderboard with a ranking system in the Arena tab. This Leaderboard shows the top 100 players with the highest Power Score. The Power Score is calculated depending on the amount of Gladiators and their rarity.
  • Activity and social media
    As per community’s request we have upped the activity on all social media. We believe that communication plays a big part when it comes to game development and so we are doing our best to give the appropriate information to the players before an update is implemented. This way we can hear your feedback before the update is released. Social media links include Discord, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
  • Partners
    We have recently partnered up with which is pretty much the catalogue of different blockchain dapps including the WAX blockchain dapps (games, projects, collections).
  • Training Costs
    Implementation of training costs when blending five of the same gladiators for a pack of a higher rarity.
  • Special Events — Spending Gold Mania and The Race for Power
    We have successfully held a special event that was split into two parts, the Spending Gold Mania and The Race for Power. This raised competition in-game between the players.
  • Livia, the Mercenary
    Mercenaries were coming and everyone knew it, but “How?” and “When?” were the questions. We have taken the opportunity of the Special Event and made it so that the rewards for the event is Livia, the Mercenary herself. You could have gone for Livia alone or you could have chosen to go for Livia Packs. The event has ended a few days ago and rewards are still to be distributed (as per previous announcement; five days after the end of the event). This is just the beginning for Mercenaries though as there are more coming. Mercenaries are and will be exclusive NFTs, so grab them while you can!
  • New token introduction, the FOOD token
    We have announced the FOOD token’s arrival a few times and there is an event going on where you are able to obtain this token before the Supply Run game mode release.

Upcoming changes and events for March

  • Supply Run game mode
    We are planning to release the Supply Run game mode where players will be able to send their gladiators to gather the FOOD token.
    When will this go live?
    This change will go into effect on March 7th.
  • FOOD token implementation in-game
    We will release the FOOD token altogether with the Supply Run game mode on March 7th.
    When will this go live?
    This change will go into effect on March 7th.
  • More information on an AMA session
    We will hold an AMA session where you will be able to ask us anything. The session will be held on our Discord server. During the session we will also let you know of our plans for the current month and the upcoming months.

We are proud to say that the community has became strong. We are working with the community every day and we love hearing all your suggestions. We can not wait to release all the exciting updates and let you experience new game modes and more. We may have said this before, but this is just the beginning and when Player vs. Player game modes arrive… well, that will be literally a game changer. We are looking forward to working with you, the community. There is so much more to come, and more!

Thanks to everyone for their support, we are doing our best!



Arena of Glory

Arena of Glory is a NFT Battle Game on the Wax Blockchain. Fight and rise up the ranks in the Roman Empire!